Manchester City Council Relocation

Project details

Organisation - Manchester City Council

Sector - Public

Location - Manchester

Project scope

The city's decision to extensively modernise and refurbish a key building of international significance in the heart of Manchester was needed to preserve the building for many more years of occupation and reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Key Tasks and Challenges

With 1,500 staff to be moved to various locations in Manchester while the three year refurbishment took place, and a zero downtime solution mandated, we needed to be organised, prepared and ready for anything.

Project management and planning was the key to success

We appointed a dedicated senior management and administrative support team, including a help desk and dedicated support line. We encouraged the client to create a move communications team and move champions from each department to ensure the needs and concerns of everyone were taken into account at every stage of the move. As the catalyst for information throughout, we worked closely with the move champions and provided a dedicated help line to provide constant support.

Zero downtime

We carried out the entire project management from start to finish providing a wide service portfolio comprehensively supporting the client's relocation and achieving a zero downtime solution. Services included sequential file packing and unpacking, file audits and file mapping and an environmentally friendly solution for the disposal of redundant furniture and equipment.

Our project manager conducted high level file audits for each department and worked closely with the client to ensure they were able to fit into their new workspace and allow potential for expansion.

Timing is everything

The moves needed to be carried out with precision timing over six weekends. Each element of the move was carefully and sequentially scheduled from Friday afternoon through to final unpacking on Sunday. We accomplished this by setting out a detailed timetable to relocate each department/area and coordinated complex moves between buildings of client teams with sometimes conflicting and sensitive needs in term of continuing service delivery.

Waste management and socially responsible disposal of redundant furniture

There were over 693 tonnes of redundant furniture and equipment as a result of this move, all of which needed to be disposed of without recycling charges to the client. We devised a waste management plan, and our environmental process manager concentrated on re-use for the vast majority of the redundant items. We invited local charities to view and pick furniture to their requirements, with 100% of the redundant furniture and equipment going to those who needed it - and none to the landfill.

Absolute satisfaction

The moves were all delivered on time, on budget and to the total delight of the client. We exceeded their expectations through our innovative and overall participation "beyond the call of duty".